How to Use the Auto Check Out Function

Users on paid Basic Plan can enjoy our newly released auto check-out function! Visitors can be automatically checked out based on the time set by you, which helps you keep track of your onsite visitors accurately.

Step 1

Turn on the Check Out function in Settings > Check Out.

Step 2

Select an auto check-out option from the dropdown.

Step 3

Check out "after a period" would automatically check out visitors in the time period set (eg. 60 minutes).

Step 4

The "Same time every day“ option would check out visitors at the time daily. Make sure your time is in the h:mm am/pm format (eg. 9:00 pm).

Step 5

Select "At a set time“ would check out visitors at a specific date and time. For example if you are running a 3 day event, set a check-out time so that all guests will be checked out at the end of the event. Again make sure your input follows the date and time format.

Step 6

Click the "Apply Update" button to confirm your changes.